There is Pain only where there is Mind. Pain is experiencing. 

Envisioning a world without one’s parents fills the eyes with tears. But when they actually become unwell, we become immersed in our tasks and duties. The intellect comes into play in the discharge of our tasks and numbs the mind.

Later when we think that we are going to lose them the tears may come. That is the response of the mind when it begins to unfreeze.

The human being became civilized and cultured when through a special faculty of divisive intelligence he became capable of thinking only of himself separate from the cosmos and the rest of Nature.

When bodily pain becomes unbearable it is possible to numb both body and mind.When Pain is beyond one’s threshold of tolerance the body and mind switch off into  unconsciousness on their own.When our body freezes we become free of the pain. As the numbing wears off the pain slowly creeps back in. Sleep is when not only our body but also our desires, expectations and everything else goes to sleep. While asleep  we do know any of our mental agonies.

The human being became civilized and cultured when through a special faculty of divisive intelligence he became capable of thinking only of himself separate from the cosmos and the rest of Nature. 

Intellectual and material desires are the cause of Mental pain. It is precisely this that propels Man forward.That is the reason why humankind does not hesitate to trample down even nature to make their way forward. When people we love move away from us physically or mentally we suffer pain because we have kept them in our hearts .We hurt because we have desired many things through them and we have desired their proximity as well. 

One who is born empty-handed has nothing to call his own . That materially and mentally everything he draws close to himself he will one day have to give up  is a truth that once reconciled with, reduces Pain.

When we lose someone we love to death, by dwelling on it ,we arrive  naturally at this truth.

( To be contd.)